Breathtaking Bruges – Days 4 and5

After several days of exploring Bruges, we can confidently say it is one of the loveliest European cities we have ever visited. The medieval architecture, brick and cobblestoned walkways, and the meandering canals weaving through the city really make a beautiful impression and leave you feeling like you were back in time. Even in the rain, Bruges has a fairytale-like quality that is endearing.

With 2000 chocolate shops in Belgium, Bruges certainly has its share, which doesn’t hurt when you want to stay warm and dry on a cold or blistery day. There were many a choice for us when we decided to pop into yet another store for “research” of course. We were on a quest to find the best chocolate. I can’t say we were successful, however. It all tasted amazing, though Neuhaus and the Chocolate Line were at the top of our list.

Our last full day in Bruges was packed with exploring, sampling food, and quite a few hotel site inspections. But one of my all time favorites of the day? I’d have to say it was the Canal Cruise. Let’s start with one of my favorite images that captures the beauty of being on the water in Bruges.

And a few more from our boat tour. Being such a gorgeous city, you can imagine why directors would choose to shoot here!

We were fortunate to get a great guide with a fun personality and an even funnier dry sense of humor.

The history was captivating and the architecture of both buildings and bridges was magnificent.

We highly recommend taking a boat tour while in Bruges. It’s very affordable and easy, and really gives you a fantastic perspective of the city from the water. The photo below shows a boat that was similar to ours, to give you an idea, as it was not a private tour.

After our entertaining canal boat tour, we set out on foot to not just explore, but to take our time and really just enjoy the city. It’s extraordinarily charming.

Even the doors are beautiful.

Before heading from Bruges to Amsterdam, we had to spend our last day sampling a few more local specialties! Did you know that Bruges allegedly has 85 chocolate shops in addition to many other delicious treatst! Our favorite aside from the many different chocolate options was Belgian Waffles!! I have never been a fan of waffles but when in Belgium… I couldn’t NOT try them. Not only did I enjoy them, I fell in love!

There are several kinds of waffles. We decided that the Liege Waffles were our favorite. For now I’ll let the photos do the talking. WHO knew waffles could be amazing. Add some thick fresh whipped cream and caramel, and we have a real winner!

And just a few last shots during the night.

The above two photos are of the city center – the Markt. Here are a few more:

Gorgeous, isn’t it? I look forward to the day I can return to Bruges! For more information on our itineraries, feel free to email us at or visit Global Getaways to learn more about how who we are and how we work.

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  1. Pingback: Antwerp, Belgium – Day 5 | Six Hearts One Journey

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