Beneficial Plants in Mexico

There are many plants in Mexico which have great benefits and many uses.  Whether they are shrubs, trees, herbs, or flowers, they all have characteristics we can benefit from.  Three ones that I find interesting are these: Chicalotes, Desert Willow Trees, and Marjoram herbs.

Chicalote plants are very interesting.  While their stems are prickly and look dangerous, their flowers are pretty and their medical productivity is amazing!  They have bluish-green leaves, bright-blue lines, and jagged edges.  The flowers are normally white or yellow and have a paper-texture.  The fruits are long and spiky, and the seeds are small, rough, and black.  These plants grow rapidly and reach a height of about 1 meter.

Chicalote plants are originally from Mexico and can be found in semi-dry, warm land, forests of conifers, and (mainly) open areas.  There are many, many medical uses for the chicalote.  The root is used to relieve lung pain, tea made from the flowers helps coughs, and the juice of the flower reduces swollen eyes and itchiness.  This plant is also used to relieve diarrhea, headaches, stomach aches, toothaches, help take away warts, and more!  It is an extremely useful plant to have around, despite its thorny appearance.

Another interesting plant is the Desert Willow Tree.  Its scientific name is Chilopsis linearis.  The only reason it is called a Willow Tree is because of the leaf resemblance.  The Desert Willow Tree grows as tall as 10-25 ft.  Its leaves are long and narrow, about 12 inches in length.  The bark is dark brown, ridged, and scaly.  Its flowers are about 1 ¼ inches; bell-shaped; and range in color from pink, to lavender, to white.  They are very fragrant and bloom from Spring through Fall.  The flowers attract many birds (especially hummingbirds) and its fruit is edible to lots of animals.

The Desert Willow thrives on land near water, though it is very drought and salt tolerant as well and loves full sun.  Normally, when you come across a Desert Willow Tree, there will be water close by.  This plant plays an important role in erosion control and is good for fenceposts.  It provides food for many animals through its leaves, fruit, and flowers.  Also, its wood is strong, yet flexible and was used by Native Americans for bows, houses, baskets, nets, and fabrics as well.

Marjoram is a also great plant.  The latin name for it is Origanum majorana.  It is an aromatic herb in the mint family closely related to oregano.  It was originally from Egypt and Arabia, but is now found in  in the Mediterranean region or in gardens all over the world.  It has oval, inch-long green leaves which are tender.  A rich, sweet-tasting herb, it is used in many meals such as soups, sauces, salads, and meat dishes.  It is also used to make skin creams, body lotions, shaving gels, and bath soaps.  Furthermore, there are many health benefits it brings about.  It helps with helps with asthma, joints, muscles, sprains, backaches, Toothaches, has emotional and neurological benefits, anti-inflammatory effects, improved cardiovascular health, digestive benefits, and much more!

The Chicalote, Desert Willow, and Marjoram herb are all great examples of very beneficial plants.  They all have many uses and are helpful to have around.  Next time you go to the store, be on  the lookout for one or all of these plants!

This post was created by Mikayla Gainor.  To see more, visit her blog at


Medicine Tradition


Sparks Mexico

Desert Willow

Trees USA


Herb Gardens

Herb Wisdom


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