Lucerne – Day 10

Day 10: On day ten, we made our way from Interlaken to Lucerne. Here are a few photos we took while on the Panoramic train along the way. The landscape between these two cities is some of the prettiest, most scenic we’ve seen in all of Switzerland. I was glued to the window the whole time. Unfortunately, these photos do not do the beauty any justice!

On arrival into Lucerne, we disembarked our train, and headed to our hotel on foot, as we were close enough to walk. A taxi or private driver was completely unnecessary. That said, it took us quite a while to get to our hotel as we could not stop admiring the beauty. It was so unique and charming.

This city is so much more exquisite than we anticipated! The gorgeous historical buildings and bridges, the vivid, sparkling river running through the center of town…all of it was so charming in an almost fairytale way.

The art on the exterior of the buildings alone are amazing.

Small intricate details are everywhere. It is a small charming city set on a picturesque lake and surrounded by soaring often snow-covered mountains. These are just a few phone snapshots on our first day and they do not do the beauty of the city any justice.

Lucerne has an important landmark, and it’s considered to be Europe’s oldest covered bridge. It was built in the 14th century and was originally a part of the city fortifications. The painted triangular panels, added in the 17th century, display scenes of Swiss history as well as the Lucerne’s history.

Sadly, two thirds of the bridge were destroyed in 1993, by what most believe was a carelessly discarded cigarette as someone floated underneath the bridge. So sad. Too many of the painted panels were destroyed forever, but what remains is pretty incredible.

And last but not least, Lucerne at night. Just gorgeous!

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